Radical Environmentalist Holding Florida Defense Against Bears Bill Hostage

Image from Winter Springs, Florida Police Department

On March 8, 2024, the Florida legislature overwhelmingly voted for the HB0087: Taking of Bears.

The Bill restores the ability of people in Florida to protect themselves, their pets, and dwellings from Florida black bears, which were administratively taken from them in 2012. The population of Florida black bears has skyrocketed, along with complaints and damage done by bears, particularly in Northern Florida.

Florida legislative procedures require the governor to sign bills (after the legislature adjourns) within 15 days, or they become law without his signature. The timing starts when the governor receives the bill from the legislature.

SECTION 8. Executive approval and veto.

(a) Every bill passed by the legislature shall be presented to the governor for approval and shall become a law if the governor approves and signs it, or fails to veto it within seven consecutive days after presentation. If during that period or on the seventh day the legislature adjourns sine die or takes a recess of more than thirty days, the governor shall have fifteen consecutive days from the date of presentation to act on the bill.

Some time is required for bills to be signed by officers of the legislature and then sent to the governor.

Each bill and joint resolution passed in both houses shall be signed by the presiding officers of the respective houses and by the secretary of the senate and the clerk of the house of representatives during the session or as soon as practicable after its adjournment sine die.

It has been nearly a month since HB0087 passed the Florida legislature with overwhelming votes in both chambers. According to Legiscan, it has not been signed by legislative officers or sent to Governor DeSantis. If correct, the clock for Governor DeSantis to sign the bill has not been started.

Around Osceola.com has commented on the situation. From aroundosceola.com:

Senate spokeswoman Katie Betta said Senate President Kathleen Passidomo, R-Naples, “Has signed all of the bills and directed the secretary to transmit them at the request of the governor.”

Most bills will be signed without causing a stir. But a handful are more controversial after getting approval from the Republican-controlled Legislature. For example:

The Sierra Club, the Center for Biological Diversity and the South Florida Wildlands Association are among groups seeking a veto of a bill (HB 87) that would allow people to kill bears when they reasonably believe it is necessary to avoid a threat of death or serious injury. The bill stems from complaints about bears posing a threat to residents in rural areas of Northwest Florida.

Has the legislature given the authority of the timing of when the bills are sent to the governor, to the governor?

directed the secretary to transmit them at the request of the governor.”

The Sierra Club, the Center for Biological Diversity and the South Florida Wildlands association can muster thousands of members to phone and sign petitions. They are known for their emotional appeals. Such groups portray bears as innocent creatures which never harm anyone or anything. Most of their members do not have to live with bears, have no personal experience with bears, and do not question the way bears are portrayed by those who rake in millions of dollars in sympathy donations.  The fact that most bears are killed by other bears is carefully hidden from them. About half of all bear cubs killed every year are killed by adult male bears. Most bears killed in a year are cubs. Most bears causing problems are males.

Removing the few bears causing problems in the state will greatly reduce the damage done by bears. The number of problem bears taken by people at risk will probably be less than 30.  The number of bears illegally taken in Florida is tiny, according to Florida Fish Wildlive Commission. The FWC numbers do not include cubs killed by other bears.

Analysis: HB0087 is at risk. If it had been sent to Governor DeSantis, it would already have become law, been signed, or been vetoed. Instead, it sits in limbo while radical deep green environmentalists  gin up emotional demands for Governor DeSantis to veto the bill.

Governor DeSantis has stood up to the woke fascists and worked hard to make sure the vote is safe and legitimate in Florida. Will he be willing to stand up to the deep green environmentalists?

About Dean Weingarten:

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

Dean WeingartenDean Weingarten

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