National Park Service Considering Higher Camping Fees At Dinosaur National Monument

The National Park Service is proposing higher camping fees at Dinosaur National Monument/NPS file

The National Park Service is seeking public input on proposed increases to camping fees at Dinosaur National Monument in Utah and Colorado. The proposed fee increases are based on comparability studies done with surrounding private and public facilities.

Comparability studies are done on a regular basis to compare rates and amenities at area private and public campgrounds to ensure that the National Park Service is not unfairly competing with nearby private businesses or putting them at a disadvantage. Camping fees at Dinosaur National Monument were last increased in 2016.

“We take our commitment to providing affordable access to the monument very seriously,” said acting Superintendent Jason Griswold. “We want to provide our visitors with the best possible experience. One way of achieving that goal is to collect and invest funds from camping fees into providing visitor services and maintaining facilities.”

To provide feedback about the proposed camping fee changes please go to this Park Service website to find out more information and submit your comments between May 1 and June 1, 2024. You can also send comments to e-mail us with “proposed camping fees” in the subject line by June 1, 2024. Feedback the monument receives will help determine how and when camping fee increases may be implemented.

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