Unexpected Winter Blooms – FineGardening

Joseph here, in northern Indiana, where normally December and January is an indoor-only gardening season, with lots of snow, frigid temperatures, and ground frozen solid.

Not this winter, though. We’ve been having absurdly warm temperatures, and bizarrely when everything would normally be deeply dormant, I still have things flowering!

Here’s what is showing off in my garden… do you have any winter bloomers going strong at home?

Most of what I have flowering are pansies (Viola x wittrockiana, cool season annual). I started these from seed in the fall, and didn’t really expect them to survive my winter in my window boxes. Well… they are surviving for sure!

close up of Cool Wave pansies

This is one of the ‘Cool Wave’ series, pansies that make long, trailing stems. They look so good spilling out of my window boxes.

close up of deep purple pansy flower

I also grew a bunch of the variety ‘Flirty Skirts’ which have these wonderfully ruffled blooms.

close up of Flirty Skirts pansies

Some are more ruffled than others, but they’re all beautiful.

close up of bright yellow pansies

This bright yellow is a nice bit of sunshine in our typically cloudy winter weather.

close up of purple Cool Wave pansies

And this Cool Wave variety has been so nice – lots of flowers, with a great pattern.

close up of single snodrop growing out of fallen leaves

I also have snowdrops blooming! This is the species Galanthus elwesii (Zone 4 – 7) which I got because it is a little larger than the typical Galanthus nivalis (Zone 3 – 7). Last year they all bloomed in the spring, but with the warmer weather, I have a handful blooming now, and some that even started back in November.

close up of snowdrops in bloom

I just planted these a couple year ago. I can’t wait for them to multiply into nice clumps.

close up of deep purple primroses

Finally, I have primroses (Primula hybrid, Zone 3 – 8) blooming! These have always started early, but never THIS early. They’re a long way for full bloom, but it is great to see some color this time of year.


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