Three good values to look out for this winter

Wall-mounted dust collector is a bargain

If you keep hose runs relatively short, a compact, wall-mounted dust collector like this can serve as the sole collector in a small shop, without occupying precious floor space. They also work great as an addition to a larger collector, letting you avoid running hoses across the shop floor. This 1-hp unit from Powertec is similar in size, filtration, and features to the wall-mounted collectors I reviewed favorably in FWW #286. At just $260, it beats them all on price. Go to for info.

Wall-mounted dust collector

Corner clamps come in handy

At just $28 for an eight-piece set, these corner clamps from Viking Mountain Tool Works do a great job holding cabinet and box parts in position while you screw or otherwise join them together. They adjust easily and hold firmly, leaving room for screw access as well as bar clamps for glued joints. Go to for more info.

corner clamps from Viking Mountain Tool Works

Inexpensive sawblade is surprisingly good

I own a couple of thick, high-end table-saw blades, which deliver clean cuts in the toughest materials. But not every woodworker has a powerful cabinet saw like I do, nor the budget for blades priced well above $100 each. Enter Freud’s new Wood Demon Ultimate General Purpose Saw Blade (item no. D1040UX). At just $50, this 10-in. by 40-tooth combination blade delivered surprisingly clean cuts in my tests. Its super-thin kerf is especially suited to saws with less horsepower, allowing them to handle thicker hardwoods. Go to sawblade

—Asa Christiana
Photos: Asa Christiana
From Fine Woodworking #309

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