Should Anti-Gun Lobbyists be Prosecuted for Restrictive Gun Laws?

It’s ironic how the anti-gun crowd tries to hold firearm manufacturers responsible for deaths that involve their guns but claim no responsibility for the deaths of innocent people who were rendered unarmed and helpless due to restrictive gun laws.

The political left is always using “mass shootings” as justification for more gun control laws. The propaganda and media hype behind so-called “gun violence” is nothing more than fake rhetoric created for the purpose of gaining support for more gun regulations. The idea that the gun-grabbers continue to push is that “if the killer didn’t have a gun, he wouldn’t kill.” This couldn’t be further from the truth and has been proven to be a false claim time and time again.

The term “mass shootings” is a propaganda term that was created by a man named Mark Bryant, a 66-year-old retired computer systems analyst. Bryant is also the founder of “The Gun Violence Archive” (GVA) and claims to have coined the term as if it was something to be proud of, regardless of the fact that it is a misleading term designed to give only four people hit by a bullet, the appearance of being a much larger event. Bryant has been accused of including gang-related shootings and home invasions in his “studies.” Of course, he would. Bryant has claimed his group views hundreds of websites a day seeking gun-related incidents. It would appear that if those incidents can be used and compiled to contribute to the anti-gun hysteria, GVA will document them, and left-wing media sources will use them as “reliable” data from a “reputable” source. Bryant has admitted that in his data research, he has made mistakes as extreme as reporting a victim as an adult male when it was really a female child, yet anti-gun lobby groups, left-wing politicians, and anti-2nd Amendment Activists will use Bryant’s data to alter the firearm narrative.

What the media won’t tell you is that violence is never the result of a gun, but anytime a gun is used, they will position it as the cause. There is no such thing as “gun violence.”

For example, Australia had two major gun bans under the guise of preventing suicide, yet after the bans, the trajectory of the suicide rate didn’t change. Giffords is notorious for pushing a false narrative that guns shoot all by themselves.

England is virtually a gun free zone, but continues to experience violence and bloodshed, although guns have essentially been banned. A comparison study was done on London and New York City, resulting in the fact that London exceeded New York City in murder in 2018. In those killings, guns were replaced with knives. This proves that violence does not decrease in the absence of guns. Many would argue violence increases in the absence of good people being able to carry a gun in public.

Recently, in Sydney, Australia, a man stabbed six people to death at a shopping center. During the attack, shoppers fled for their lives, and no one shot back. The reason no one shot back was because everyone had been disarmed. It was a gun free zone, but apparently, the killer didn’t read the sign.

A similar situation played out recently at a concert hall in Moscow,Russia. Several were killed because they couldn’t defend themselves.

The idea of disarming lawful citizens as an attempt to stop violence is an absurdity, yet we continue to have conversations with those who perpetuate such nonsense. We have learned that gun free zones are of the deadliest places on earth, yet left-wing politicians, anti-gun groups and uninformed American citizens, continue to push for more of these killing zones.

Some conversations about holding anti-gun legislators and lobby groups, like Mom’s Demand Action, Everytown For Gun Safety, Gifford’s Group, and March For Our Lives, accountable for deaths due to self-defense restricting gun laws, are starting to occur. Do we think those who disarm American Citizens and block access to self-defense should be responsible for the deaths and damage they contribute to? Statistics show that most of the gun-related deaths occur in gun free zones. The reason is obvious. When good people are disarmed, bad guys are emboldened.

If someone cuts the brake lines on your car, should they be held accountable for any death or injury that occurs? That death or injury was a direct and intended result of their actions. Their actions caused you to be unable to stop your car. The same is true for gun control laws. The actions of the anti-gun activists and lobbyists are intended to keep you unarmed and result in you not being able to protect yourself in public. Anti-gun activists keep Americans unarmed, and criminals take advantage of the situation.

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information, contact PR HERE

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on Newsmax, the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

Dan WosDan Wos
Dan Wos

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