Gun Banning Democrat Charged with Burglary Could Become ‘Prohibited Person’

Nicole Mitchell and grinning suckups don’t trust you with rights. What’s that say about them? (Senator Nichol Mitchell/X)

“BREAKING: Minnesota State Senator Nicole Mitchell (D) was just arrested for 1st-degree burglary,” Libs of TikTok (the “News you can’t see anywhere else” aggregator presenter of stories exposing the hypocritical insanity of political leftists) posted on X Monday. “This comes a few days after she publicly advocated for building ‘safer communities.’ You just can’t make this stuff up.”

Included in the post was Mitchell’s mugshot and a copy of her April 16 tweet (x?) that included a photo of her with some grinning Moms Demand Action apparatchiks and her message “Meaningful conversation today with @MomsDemand community members advocating for common sense gun reform & safer communities at #mnleg–as well as providing Minnesotans the mental health services they need to #EndGunViolence in our neighborhoods.”

“Be honest, you just want to make your part-time job as a burglar safer for you. That’s why you want gun control,” one responder posted. “I guess it’s no surprise that a home burglar wants her victims to be disarmed & defenseless,” wrote another.

What happened, at least according to the “official” story, sounds more like a dispute between estranged family members:

“The charges allege Mitchell broke into the home of her stepmother amid an ongoing dispute over possessions that belonged to the senator’s late father, as well as his ashes.”

Defenders will no doubt play on public sympathies, remind us that this was personal, it’s not like she was going after a stranger’s expensive valuables, and no weapon was reported, other than a potential one—a flashlight covered by a black sock (said in the Statement of Probable Cause to control light emissions, but socks containing hard objects have been used as saps before). Excuses are just that and should not be allowed to obfuscate that she was dressed in black to show premeditation to avoid being detected at night. Daddy issues aside, her breaking into a home in the wee hours (“The complaint alleges that Mitchell’s stepmother called police at about 4:45 a.m.”) scared the hell out of the woman, which is an act of emotional violence and terror. Being a legislator, Mitchell should know better than most that civil law is supposed to exist to resolve disputes peaceably so that criminal law does not need to be invoked.

So, it’s not surprising that a politician obsessed with controlling others can’t – or won’t – control herself. Perhaps it’s natural for people who know they can’t trust themselves to project their moral defects onto everybody else. And Mitchell mistrust of her countrymen is made clear by the citizen disarmament edicts that she chose to campaign on:

“My campaign was awarded the 2022 Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate distinction last week…while we were mourning the senseless murders in Buffalo. Now, more of our children have been slaughtered, more moms and dads will never hug their babies again, and more survivors will never be the same. We need to elect leaders committed to enacting common-sense gun laws. We need to protect our children.”

Those “common-sense gun laws” mean everything hysterically highlighted on the Moms Demand website. The only thing they don’t give any details on is when the controls will be enough. That’s because they never will be. That’s not how totalitarianism works.

But here’s how burglary in the first degree works in Minnesota:

Whoever enters a building without consent and with intent to commit a crime, or enters a building without consent and commits a crime while in the building, either directly or as an accomplice, commits burglary in the first degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 20 years or to payment of a fine of not more than $35,000, or both, if:

(a) the building is a dwelling and another person, not an accomplice, is present in it when the burglar enters or at any time while the burglar is in the building;

(b) the burglar possesses, when entering or at any time while in the building, any of the following: a dangerous weapon, any article used or fashioned in a manner to lead the victim to reasonably believe it to be a dangerous weapon, or an explosive; or

(c) the burglar assaults a person within the building or on the building’s appurtenant property.

While there are no indications that an assault took place, the occupied residence and the flashlight in a sock (and/or whatever tools she used to break in) would appear to fulfill the first two criteria, meaning, if a deal isn’t made and she’s convicted, Sen. Mitchell will be another in a long line of gun-grabbing, Bloomberg-backed Democrats who are “prohibited persons.”

And she and her endorsers don’t trust us with guns…?

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David CodreaDavid Codrea

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