Four Islands At Glacier Bay National Park Temporarily Closed For Nesting Seabirds

Four islands at Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve are being temporarily closed for seabird nesting/NPS file

One of the greatest collections of seabirds can be found at Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve in Alaska, with nearly 300 species and thousands of individual birds flocking to the park’s waters and islands. With nesting season for seabirds coming up, the park is temporarily closing four islands to foot traffic and restricting boats from approaching closer than 100 yards to the islands.

The following specific locations will be closed to human use within 100 yards of the islands from May 1 – August 31 (see maps below):

  • The unnamed island in Scidmore Bay near the mouth of Charpentier Inlet at latitude 58° 45.427549’ longitude -136° 31.881105’. 
  • The unnamed island approximately ¼ nautical mile south of Tlingit Point at latitude 58° 45.019643’, longitude -136° 10.580022’. 
  • Sealers Island in Muir Inlet at latitude 58° 57.57187’, longitude -136° 7.435166’.
  • The southern portion of Leland Island and the island approximately ¼ nautical mile south of Leland Island at latitude 58° 38.605275’, longitude -135° 59.066667’. Note that the northern portion of Leland Island is closed year round by NPS Code of Federal Regulations 36 13.1178 (a).

Visitors are reminded that disturbance to wildlife is prohibited under NPS Code of Federal Regulations 36 2.2(a)(2), and boaters should not approach wildlife at distances that cause the animals to change their behavior. Visitors to Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve can contact the Visitor Information Station (907-697-2627) for the most current information regarding closures and other regulations in Glacier Bay.

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