Four for Reform | Vote These Nominees to the NRA Board

2024 NRA Board Election Reform Candidates
2024 NRA Board Election Reform Candidates

The NRA is in serious trouble, the worst crisis in the history of the organization.  There is no point in sugarcoating the reality. Many of the problems are self-inflicted by the current administration of the organization.

It is this writer’s considered opinion the fight to restore the Second Amendment can best be served by voting for the following four nominees for NRA Board Directors:

  • Phil Journey 
  • Denis Fusaro
  • Rocky Marshall
  • Jeff Knox

Vote only for those four nominees. Voting only for those four magnifies your vote.

In addition, vote Yes on the proposed bylaw change to create a Chief Compliance Officer. It is a position that is badly needed at the NRA.

Then, place your director election ballot and the bylaw change ballot in the provided envelope, seal it, sign it, place a stamp on it, and send it off.

About 95% of ballots are never returned. This makes your ballot all the more valuable. For those who are eligible, the ballot is in the March edition of the NRA magazine.

This correspondent started paying for a life membership in the NRA in 1973 on an installment plan. By 1979, I had voting status. Along the way, I became an endowment member. Organizations go through a sort of evolution. Eventually, organizations move from focusing on accomplishing their mission to focusing on benefiting the people running the organization. This correspondent saw it happen in the NRA and fought against it with many others. We lost the battle in the middle 90’s.

The NRA is a valuable organization. It has accomplished many useful and worthy goals. There is much in the NRA that should be preserved and much that needs to be reformed. Nominees who have shown themselves to understand the need for reform early should be voted in as directors to aid in reconstructing the NRA.

Phil Journey, Denis Fusaro, Rocky Marshall, and Jeff Knox are those nominees. The way the NRA elections work, voting for only these four nominees magnifies your votes. The nominating committee is a construction of the current leadership.

All four reform candidates have been nominated by membership petition in this election.

Most members who are eligible to vote either do not fill out the ballot(s), do not place the ballots in the envelope, do not seal the envelope and sign it, do not place a stamp on the envelope, or do not mail the envelope with the ballot(s) inside.

The voting members who do the above decide the election for all those who do not. Talk to your friends and relatives. Give them advice on how to vote. 

Those who vote make the decisions for those who do not vote.

This is your chance to make a difference in the NRA. Changes are coming. Much will be decided by the judge in New York. The current NRA leadership has failed the NRA membership. They deserve to be replaced.  Those who brought the NRA to this disaster should not be kept in charge of the organization.

The envelopes must be received by April 28. Now is the time to vote and to send off your vote.

About Dean Weingarten:

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

Dean WeingartenDean Weingarten

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