Democrats Continue to Place Criminals Above Citizens, Exploiting That to Ban Guns

Let criminals go and disarm “the law-abiding.” It’s the Chicago Way. (Governor JB Pritzker/Facebook)

“Chicago Judge Releases Venezuelan Immigrant Allegedly Armed with Gun and 43 Rounds of Ammo,” Breitbart reported Wednesday.

In a rare situation where it could claim partial credit, ShotSpotter gunshot detection technology factored into 21-year-old Venezuela native Jan Torres-Roman’s arrest, but in fairness, it took police seeing him running with a gun in hand to clinch their interest. But, with wokeness being what it is, Chi-Town Mayor Brandon Johnson has pledged to scrap the detectors over allegations of racial bias – right after the Democrat Convention.

“Despite being allegedly armed with a gun and apprehended at the scene of a shooting incident, Judge David Kelly released Torres-Roman from custody,” the report continues. “Torres-Roman already ignored a scheduled hearing on May 13.”

So turn loose a criminal alien with a predisposition for violating U.S. laws who has already proven Illinois’ FOID Card required of law-abiding citizens” is no impediment to his obtaining a firearm — and expect what to come of it?

Based on past practices, Democrat Kelly doesn’t much care.

He’s the same judge who last year, despite “compelling” DNA evidence, refused to deny bond to a man accused of raping a 14-year-old intellectually-disabled girl in a portable toilet.

He’s the same judge who last month “refuse[d] to detain man accused of carjacking [an] Uber driver at gunpoint.” Again, none of the hurdles you and I must go through to “legally” obtain a gun were cleared.

“I don’t know what’s going on in your life, but whatever it is, it’s got to change immediately,” Kelly told the suspect. Two “gunpoint” attempts in under 30 minutes and it’s a pretty safe bet to call Kelly a master of understatement.

It’s not just isolated judges; it’s wherever Democrats can impose their rule on everybody else (in Everytown). In this case, it’s the whole state.

“Illinois, the Land of Lincoln, has just passed a bill in both chambers of its legislature replacing the term ‘offenders’ with ‘justice-impacted individuals,’” PJ Media reports.

The Democrats behind it are also the same one who want you disarmed. They rely on violent crime so that they have blood to dance in, to whip up mob furor among constituents ignorant and stupid enough to vote for them.

“State Sen. Robert Peters, D-Chicago, urged members to not get hung up on the name change because the program oversight board could use more representation,” The Center Square reports, were we also learn he is the bill’s sponsor.

So, will anyone really be surprised to see headlines like “Peters on assault weapons ban: We cannot wait any longer,” and “Peters rallies for permanent funding for community violence intervention programs across the state”?

The plan is to disarm you and paint their criminal constituents as “victims of circumstance.”

It would be funny if the suffering made inevitable by Democrat policies wasn’t so real, and so intolerable to those of us who will not bend a knee.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David CodreaDavid Codrea

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