Betta Fish – Learn How to Give Your Betta a Great Life!

Product Name: Betta Fish – Learn How to Give Your Betta a Great Life!

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From: Marcus Song
Written: Saturday, 9:07 A.M.

Dear Fellow Betta Lover,

Alone in the bathroom, feeling helpless as my kids cried. I’d just had to flush Ruddy, our beloved betta fish, down the toilet.

On a cold, bleak winter day a few years ago, that was the final sad result of the first betta fish I’d bought.

It shouldn’t have ended up that way. I remember the first time I went into a pet store and saw that majestic looking betta, bright red with flowing fins, crammed into a tiny little plastic cup.

There wasn’t enough room for him to swim. Heck, he couldn’t even move. Nor could he even spread out those amazing fins.

So I decided I had to buy that noble fish. I had to save his life and give him the happiness he deserved after being treated so cruelly by the pet store.

But only a few months after taking him home, I failed. It seemed like even though I did everything I thought I should, my betta still died.

I tried again with other bettas. They did okay (living average lifespans), but it seemed like there would always be something wrong with them. A betta would stop eating for days. The next week another betta’s beautiful fins would split… and then never heal… no matter what I did.

Then there would be the persistent fin rot popping up on my fish.

I kept their water insanely clean. I treated them like pampered royalty, catering to all their wants. I followed all the instructions I could.

But still, there was always something. I got so tired of it. I’m a grown man — which makes me ashamed to admit this — but there were days I broke down and cried. I love bettas and want to do everything I can for them.

About the only thing I had going for me was my persistence — my ability to do in-depth research and my drive to become a good “betta parent.”

I bought all the products I could find (exotic fish foods, every conceivable tank accessory, etc.), learning everything about them.

I intensely studied everything I could to discover the insider secrets. I spent literally thousands of hours toiling on the Internet, burying myself in stacks of books at the library, and buying up and devouring every book on fish I could find.

And what I uncovered changed the life of my bettas in a big, big way.

You see, I went from this frustrated, aggravated guy who was ready to give up on trying to keep bettas…

To suddenly finding myself with thriving bettas swimming happily in their tanks… where anyone who came over to our house would be enchanted by their bright colors and magnificent fins… and then would literally beg me to teach them my secrets.

My friends would tell me of their bad experiences with bettas. It was too much work to keep the water clean… or their bettas got sick… or they had to spend so much money it was no longer worth the hassle if their betta’s health was just going to wither away no matter what they did.

Since becoming an expert when it comes to bettas… and getting into breeding them professionally (I now own 207 bettas!)… I have experienced not only my own problems in the beginning but also heard so many horror stories from people.

Below are unedited examples of things people wrote to me when I was putting together my guide:

Jason went on to tell me how the hobby of betta keeping cost him a hundred times more than he thought it would.

That is how, he concluded, the pet stores suck you in. They cram bettas into cups so tiny they can’t even stretch their fins. You feel sorry for the bettas and buy one of them for 5 or 10 dollars… take him home… and then find out you then have to buy hundreds of dollars of equipment — which might not even work!

Here’s what one woman said who was ready to quit keeping bettas:

“My bettas get sick so much of the time and so many of them die. It makes me feel like an awful fish mommy. It takes so much anguish to nurse them back to health, or they die and I have to cry about the horrible loss of my pet.”

– Jill Stevens, of Atlanta, Georgia

I heard from a lot of other frustrated betta owners as well:

“It’s too much work. I hate having to change the water so much.”

– Jeff P., Barstow, California

“Mopes around with no energy and I donno what to do.”
– William Tan, Singapore

“I worry that my betta will be okay if I take a vacation and leave him home for a few days.”
– Julie Boyd, SeaTac, Washington

“Will the water heater break and then cause a fire that burns down my house? Will the aquarium leak and flood, causing thousands of dollars in structural damage to my house?”
– Jason M., Sacramento, California

In fact, bettas can be very low maintenance. They can be inexpensive to take care of. They can be happy and healthy. And it’s easy to do with the information you’ll discover in the coveted guide I created.

More on that in a minude, but first…

1. Their amazing good looks. Everyone’s amazed by the rich colors of my bettas and their dramatic fins. They’re stunning little creatures. In my large collection of bettas I’ve got everything you can imagine. There’s Rusty, who’s red with shiny green fins. Kermit, who’s green. Marvin, my marble. Sunny, my solid yellow. Mermaid, my turquoise beauty.

2. Bettas have personality, unlike so many other types of fish. They wag their tails, have minds of their own, and enchant people with their cute antics. To display their personality they do need to be healthy and happy though, and I’ll give you the secrets to make it easy for you.

3. They’re addictive! Once you unlock the secrets of how to care for them, how can you not fall in love with the sight of their wiggly, vibrant bodies excited to see you? How can you not become fascinated by all of those radiant colors swimming around?

You see, once you have these secrets all the “work” of caring for betta fish will be done for you… automatically!

You can just “flip on” the ideal conditions… and… instantly bring stunning… and thriving… bettas into your life!

And rest assured: my guide isn’t just some picture book like you find in the pet stores. You know what I mean — they have incredible pictures of bettas, but the text itself is just fluff and filler.

Instead my guide is packed with useful information gleaned from the most hush-hush secrets revealed to me by betta breeders to raise the most incredible fish. They work for anyone, anywhere and at any time (no matter how bad of a “betta parent” you think you are right now).

Taking care of your betta is easy and inexpensive. Caring For Betta Fish: An Insider’s Guide For Betta Lovers by Marcus Song will show you how!

Not too long ago, I package up all these secrets in a concise package I call Caring For Betta Fish: An Insider’s Guide For Betta Lovers.

Rather than having to go through a struggle, you can simply read what’s in my guide and easily discover all the advanced secrets contained within… without having to go through all of the toil and expense that I did. And — without making all the mistakes that I did.

I wrote it in plain, conversational English that’s easy to follow. Even if you’ve never owned a betta before and don’t know the first thing about them (other than you want one). As a complete system, my guide will reveal to you everything you need to know about your bettas.

Some people call it the lazy person’s way to easy betta fish care. It’ll save you so much time and worry (not to mention money) that you can start enjoying your bettas for a change.

Here’s a quick look at just a few of the valuable techniques I share with you:

That is a common problem. You see, bettas die easily.

And the death of a Betta can be devastatingly sad for those who experience it. Your friends simply don’t understand that it’s not “just a fish.” It’s your baby that you loved and looked after with all your heart.

I have experienced this all too well myself.

Ever want to see how many people give up on the hobby of keeping bettas (and fish in general)? Check out your local newspaper’s classifieds. There’ll be tanks and aquariums for sale — and maybe even fish themselves.

It’s just one thing after another. Eventually what was once a fun, relaxing hobby… becomes a big headache having to deal with one health issue after another. And the worst part about it is that it’s not your fault, because you did the best you could!

That’s why I provide a complete Troubleshooting Guide that will list every symptom of illness. It then reveals what the possible causes of the symptoms are — then tells you what exactly to do about them. It’s like having your own fish expert right there at your beck and call. No matter what the problem is you’re having — and no matter what time of day — the expert is right there to take you by the hand and help you.

In the Troubleshooting Guide you’ll learn what it means when you see these symptoms, and what you can do to easily solve them:

I wrote the Troubleshooting portion of my betta guide to be your permanent resource… right there at your fingertips whenever you need it. Even years from now, you’ll be able to pull up — in seconds — everything you need to know to keep your betta healthy.

You don’t need to be a math whiz to know that cleaner water means that much less work! Here’s the secret: You can do this using a decorative plant you can put into your betta’s aquarium that eats up nitrites and ammonia that your betta produces as waste products.

That means you won’t need to clean your tank as often, and your Betta will be happier and healthier, since he’ll be swimming in cleaner water.

The best part about this plant is how easy it is to grow, as it doesn’t require direct sunlight, doesn’t lay roots, and sinks right to the bottom of the tank.

And it’ll make your aquarium look so much more beautiful — not to mention your fish will love resting on its leaves! I reveal the step by step instructions… as well as showing you places you can get this plant easily and cheaply (and it’s not your local pet store)… on page 26.

Do you know what the exciting part is? That you can be learning these secrets to having a healthy, strong, and beautiful betta… without spending much money or having to worry… and all without having to do much work… in just two minutes from now.

That’s because I’ve made my guide digital… which means you can have it instantly! There’s no need to wait day after day for a box to arrive in the mail. And there’s no need to wait in line at a bookstore.

Instead you’ll get immediate access to this valuable information so you can start applying it right away.

If you haven’t ever downloaded anything off the Internet before, don’t worry — I’ll give you easy directions. (Even my 72 year-old father-in-law — who has a phobia of computers — was able to download and read the material without a hitch.)

Plus I’m here to help you. If you have trouble, just shoot me a quick email and I’ll help you get your copy ASAP.

Many pet stores unfortunately just see the money involved and couldn’t care less about the animals they sell. That’s why they cram bettas into those tiny cups. More bettas in more tiny cups means more money for them.

What pet stores don’t tell you is how expensive they make betta keeping for you. Sure you can buy that poor betta who you’re saving from a life of being crammed into that tiny cup… but then you discover that heaters and other equipment cost a lot more than they told you it would. (But the problem is you don’t know what equipment to get!)

Then on top of that the pet stores make money when your fish die. Why? Because you’re just going to buy more fish of course!

They don’t always intend to be money grubbing of course. The typical pet store employee simply counts the hours till they can clock out of work and go get more beer and cigarettes. Certainly compassion for the animals… or for your wallet… does not mean a thing to them.

Well, the good news is that with my guide you can save your money. I reveal to you all of the secrets that the pet stores don’t want you to know. You’ll be laughing all the way to bank as you discover one money-saving tip after another.

Please take a look at what some of my readers have said…

“Just downloaded your book(s) yesterday, I’m about halfway through Caring for Betta Fish and thoroughly enjoying it! As was stated on your website I’m sorry that I didn’t download them sooner.”

– John ShewchukSarasota, FL

“I am so glad you wrote this book! I went to two major book stores in my
area. They had betta books, but nothing specific enough to feel comfortable
on how to care for the fish. Now I feel confident about helping my fish to
live in an appropriate environment. Thanks so much.”

“Thanks Marc: These are the two most energetic bettas I’ve had, or I’m just
learning better ways of keeping them healthy. Your publications are very

I just wanted to thank you so much for your valuable information which saved me literally hundreds of dollars. Without your e-book I would have experimented (and made mistakes with) the wrong kind of tank heater and filter, the wrong sized tank, and wasted money on all the chemicals pushed at the pet store. I’m one of those people who wasted money years ago on a fancy aquarium, only to have it gather dust in my attic and be a constant reminder of how much money I’ve blown.
Thanks for your book. I know it will helpful to many.”

– Michael Blair

Miami, FL

“Dear Marcus,

I liked that your book is a complete betta owner’s manual. As a new owner looking for the basics, you gave me all of the practicalities I needed in order to give my betta the daily care he needs. Yours is a great source of in-depth information and helped me with the questions I had.”

– Jill Stevens

Atlanta, GA

I know when you get my betta lover’s guide, you’ll be just as happy as the customers above who wrote me. If not, I want you to ask me for your money back.

In fact, you can check out my betta care system for free if you want. That’s because I offer an unconditional 100% money-back guarantee.

That means you can grab my guide, Caring for Betta Fish: An Insider’s Guide For Betta Lovers, with an open mind, knowing that you’re using it risk-free.

Over the next 60 days, use the information you discover. Calculate how much money you save. Notice how happily your betta wags his tail when you do the things you’ll discover that improve his life. Notice how impressed your friends are when they see your betta doing neat tricks like jumping through a hoop.

Then, if you’re not completely delighted with the way my guide improves the quality of life for your betta (and for you!), I’ll refund every penny to you — no questions asked. You don’t even need to give a reason — your word is good enough.

But wait a minute, you must be wondering. You offer a money-back guarantee on an ebook?

I know. That sounds crazy.

But the truth is this: since you’ll be downloading my guide onto your computer, if you ask for a refund, I have no way to “get it back.” In fact, a few unethical people will come to this site with the full intention of getting a refund and ripping me off.

I don’t think you’ll do that, because as someone who has saved the life of a wonderful betta, I think you’re a good person who’s good for your word.

But here’s my guarantee: grab my guide to bettas. Take your time reading it, discovering its secrets, and applying the enormous knowledge you’ll gain.

If at any time in the next 60 days — even on day 60 — you decide you want your money back, I’ll give it to you. Right away. On the spot. With no hard feelings.

Plus you’ll have the guide. That means you’ve gotten both the insider information from my guide and the money — which shows you how strongly I stand behind my betta lover’s guide.

I only make this amazing guarantee because I know that 99.9% of the people involved in the world of bettas are honest…

…and once you’ve tried my system — and you feel totally satisfied after enjoying a new, stronger relationship with your betta…

You won’t ask for a refund.

You’ll discover the ins and outs — what you need to know before going into breeding, what it involves, etc. It’ll make a task that’s confusing into not so much of a challenge since you’ll have an exact roadmap of the steps to take.

There are certain exact steps you need to take to prepare the tanks, prepare your breeding pair, introduce them, get them to spawn… and then take care of the fry.

I’ve traveled the world to interview top breeders… have become a betta breeder… and will let you in on the insider secrets.

If you’re like most Betta owners, you’ve been disgusted to find that this hobby has been a lot more expensive that you thought it would be.

So if you’re ready to not have to lose so much money, I’ll take you by the hand and lead you step by step to show you where you can find wealthy Betta lovers desperate to pay you for the fish you breed. That way your entire betta hobby can be totally free — paid for by others!

What’s the catch? That this offer is for an extremely limited time. Here’s why.

The bonuses are valuable enough by themselves to sell separately. And I’m planning to do that soon. There are only so many copies of these sensational bonuses that I’m going to give out for free.

Once this special trial period is over, the offer of free bonus materials will simply vanish. I’m sure you can understand.

You can spend the rest of your day with your bettas like you did yesterday, wondering if there’s more you can learn about them that will make life better for them.

Or you can get some peace of mind:

If you’re still thinking about getting bettas, you’ll know that you’ll be able to take great care of them.

After you enter your details into the secure server, you’ll be taken to a special download page. Then when you start reading my guide, the improvements in your betta’s life will be nothing short of electrifying… or you’ll get your money back.

So why not grab my betta lover’s guide while it’s still fresh on your mind? There’s no risk here. You’ve got nothing to lose — and you’ll gain a better life for you and your little ones.

To Betta Happiness,

Marcus Song

P.S. If you don’t take me up on this special offer (a money-back guarantee and free bonuses!) before it vanishes — and if you never get to try the secrets contained in my guide — what will ever change about the quality of life for you and your Betta fish?

(c) 2006-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Spring Water Publishing

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