Spring Cycling Season Open In Yellowstone National Park

It’s spring cycling season in Yellowstone National Park/NPS file

If you have the legs, the stamina, and maybe a room reservation or a friend who will play shuttle driver, you can now pedal your bike the 49 miles from West Yellowstone, Montana, to Mammoth Hot Springs (or vice versa) in Yellowstone National Park.

The following park roads between the West Entrance and Mammoth Hot Springs are now open to bicycling:

  • West Entrance to Madison Junction
  • Madison Junction to Norris Junction
  • Norris Junction to Mammoth Hot Springs

As conditions allow, bicycles will also be permitted from the East Entrance to the east end of Sylvan Pass (6 miles). Check the bicycling web page for updates. 

Bicycles are not allowed on the remaining park roads until they start to open to public automobiles on Friday, April 19. Check park roads for spring opening dates.  

Ride Safely

  • Ride single file and use extreme caution. Expect administrative vehicles such as snowplows, heavy equipment, contractor and employee traffic. Roadway shoulders are narrow, and curves can limit visibility.
  • Bears, bison, elk, moose and other wildlife use roads as travel corridors when the snow is deep. Be mindful as they endure this hardest part of the year. Snowbanks prevent them from easily moving off the road. Do not crowd, harass, or push wildlife and be prepared to wait or turn around.
  • Stay at least 100 yards away from bears and wolves and 25 yards away from all other wildlife. It is your responsibility to maintain safe distances at all times.
  • Carry bear spray and know how to use it.
  • Travel during daylight hours only. There are currently no overnight accommodations or camping in the park.
  • Watch for quickly changing weather conditions and the possibility of temporary road closures. Snow and ice may cover sections of road.
  • No services will be available between the West Entrance and Mammoth Hot Springs, except limited restrooms. In Mammoth Hot Springs, the only facilities open will be the post office, general store, visitor center, medical clinic and self-service fuel pumps.
  • Plan for self-rescue or repair. Cell phone coverage throughout the park is sparse and unreliable for communicating emergencies.
  • Prepare to spend an extended period in winter conditions in the event of a mechanical breakdown, injury or other emergency. 

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