A Black Bear Has an ‘Impromptu Photo Session’ With a Trail Camera

Trail cameras do a fantastic job of capturing wildlife when no one is around. It provides researchers and animal enthusiasts with a unique way to see nature when no one is around. However, sometimes the results are less epic, and the results are hilarious.

Take a look at this bear captured on a camera from a national forest:

The image snapped a perfect picture of the bear, who almost appeared to be waving.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service shared the image from the Gila National Forest in New Mexico. In reply to the silly photo, they wrote, “Me: I don’t like pictures of me. Also, me: Heeeeeeey! This black bear was having an impromptu photo session with a trail cam.”

Officials say the camera is in place to get videos of endangered Mexican wolves, who call the area home. But sometimes, the results are a little different than expected.

Mexican wolves are a subspecies of gray wolves living in Arizona and New Mexico. The animal was near extinction but has slowly rebuilt its numbers with the help of conservation efforts. 

Wildlife researchers working with the Mexican wolves keep an eye on them in a special sanctuary called the Mexican Wolf Experimental Population Area. Researchers closely monitor the wolves in the area and use tools like tracking collars to keep an eye on them. 

On the other hand, black bears are far from endangered. You can find bears in multiple states around the country. Most estimates say their population is around 300,000 in the U.S. alone. 

Do you know how to handle wildlife when you’re in the backcountry? Here are some tips for wolves and black bears when you’re outdoors.

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