You Can Kayak in Death Valley, but Not for Long

Death Valley is well known for being North America’s hottest and driest portion, yet visitors are flocking to the park for a seriously cool reason.

There’s no doubt that Death Valley conjures up images of a dry, arid, sweltering climate. However, the national park recently revealed they’re seeing an influx of water, and as a result, visitors too.

As it turns out, visitors, mostly kayakers, are making the trek to the national park to see the lake that formed at the Badwater Basin. After the area saw record rainfall, people are putting in their kayaks in an area that’s typically bone-dry. However, it won’t be here for long.

Since the Badwater Basin sits 282 feet below sea level, water evaporates well before it can fill up the basin. However, a recent downpour has turned the typically dry landscape into a flourishing lake.

Now, adventurers from all over are flocking to the park to get in on this temporary reprieve from the scorching conditions. However, if you’re considering getting in on the action yourself, make it quick. Park rangers predict water levels will drop in a few short weeks. Park officials believe that the water levels in the lake, which are slowly dwindling daily, could last until late March or April.

Recent photos show hundreds of visitors wading through the waters and kayakers paddling in places where the water is at least a foot deep.

If you’d rather stay on land, there’s still plenty to see. Visitors can see stunning reflections of the nearby mountain peaks in the water.

Check out our other stories to learn more about what Death Valley offers.

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